Photo: Susan Schuller
As a local chapter, 100% of your annual dues go directly to projects in central Wisconsin. This funding allows us to send you not only a monthly newsletter, but also address local bird habitat needs, offer field trips, support other wildlife projects and provide excellent monthly educational programs.
Chapter Members receive:
Monthly ALAS Newsletters - Members receive our monthly newsletters, in print or by email.
Invitations to our monthly public programs
Invitations to ALAS sponsored field trips
Invitations to education events sponsored by ALAS
*Members can cancel a membership from "Your Subscriptions" page. There are no refunds for a membership that has already been charged.
*If "auto renewal" is selected at time of payment your membership will automatically renew at the same time next year.
Donations and the Aldo Leopold Audubon Society Endowment: Please consider making a donation to the ALAS endowment to support our work. Please also consider including ALAS in your estate planning. Donations to the ALAS endowment can be made on this page (a separate transaction from membership) or visit the Community Foundation of Central Wisconsin www.cfcwi.org/give/make-a-gift.html Please be sure to designate ALAS as the donor recipient.
Jewels of Nature by Alan Haney: Proceeds from this book go entirely to support ALAS. Click here for more information on how to order.
Please Note: You do not automatically become a member of the national organization by joining this local chapter. To join the National Audubon Society, go to www.audubon.org and click “Join.”
ALAS Membership
25$Every yearSUPPORTER LEVEL- Almanac Newsletter
- Invitations to ALAS Programs & Activities
- Household Membership
ALAS Membership
50$Every yearSUSTAINER LEVEL- Same benefits as supporter and showing greater support
- Household Membership
Membership & Donation Levels
Donations to the Endowment
Donations to the Aldo Leopold Audubon Society Endowment: Add to your membership, give a gift on behalf of a loved one, or consider including ALAS in your estate planning. A donation to the ALAS endowment is an investment into the work we do. Donations to the ALAS endowment can be made directly to the fund held by the Community Foundation of Central Wisconsin. Click the DONATE button here to be redirected to the CFCW.